Safety Tips for Your Fleet In Extreme Winter Weather

semi driving in extreme winter weather

With extremely cold temperatures, there are numerous things your fleet and drivers need to concern themselves with. Everything from starting the vehicle, freezing fluids, to icy roads, there is a lot to plan for and think through to ensure your vehicle and drivers are safe.  One example is tire pressure. With the onset of winter […]

Seven Keys To Improving Uptime For Your Trucking Fleet

trucking fleet vehicle cruising down country road

Now more than ever, your trucking fleet needs to perform at its best. Whether you are OTR, Middle Mile, or Last Mile or all of the above, you’ll want to make sure your maintenance initiatives are set up for success.  Reliability and performance are essential as you manage this crucial part of the year, and […]

The Amerit Way: Customer-Focused Fleet Maintenance Programs

Amerit customer-focused fleet maintenance technician

Our customer-focused fleet maintenance programs serve many of the largest fleets in the United States. With a team of 2,500+ technicians across 1,800+ locations, we maintain all asset classes and types including heavy-duty, medium-duty, light-duty vehicles, material handling equipment, aerial equipment, and electric vehicles and electric vehicle chargers. So, how do we build customer-focused fleet […]

Prioritizing Fleet Maintenance Service To Improve Uptime, Reduce Costs, and Increase Operational Efficiency

Amerit technician performing fleet maintenance service

Prioritizing fleet maintenance service is critical to improving uptime, reducing costs, and increasing operational efficiency for your fleet. Keeping your gas, diesel, CNG, work trucks and electric vehicles, as well as your trailers, refrigerated units and material handling equipment up and working can be a challenge. From ongoing preventative maintenance to unscheduled repairs, long wait […]

Eliminating Vehicle Downtime For Your Fleet

technician repairing engine to reduce vehicle downtime

Eliminating vehicle downtime for your fleet can seem impossible, but we’ve broken down the most critical factors and best practices you can implement to overcome high downtime.   First, establish an effective preventative maintenance (PM) program. Regardless of your fleet type, the leading cause of unnecessary vehicle downtime is breakdowns from wear item failures, warranty […]

How to Convert Fleet Data Into Actionable Information

technician recording fleet data on a clipboard

Fleet data is key to every aspect of fleet operations, including monitoring, and measuring efficiency, safety, and maintenance. Every bit of fleet maintenance data is particularly valuable because it touches so many aspects of your operation. Maintenance data can be used to: Develop cost and warranty controls Manage lifecycles Improve preventative maintenance Maximize vehicle uptime […]

Reliable Fleet Services

fleet vehicle transporting goods

What makes for reliable fleet services? We believe reliable fleet services can be achieved with thorough planning, high standards, and quality of work.   THOROUGH PLANNING Planning for Preventative Maintenance “Failing to plan is planning to fail.” This adage is a tried-and-true concept in fleet maintenance and repairs. A thorough, thoughtful fleet maintenance plan will […]

Choosing the Right Fleet Service Provider for Your National Program

Amerit technician offering fleet services for a class 8 vehicle.

While the benefits of vendor consolidation can yield significant cost savings and process improvements, putting all your eggs in one basket can be daunting. Executives making these pivotal decisions risk putting their company’s success and careers on the line. With so much at stake, Amerit’s CEO, Dan Williams, has compiled a list of 5 tips […]

How To Set Up a Fleet Maintenance Program

Every fleet manager knows the basic components of a fleet maintenance program, but how to set up a fleet maintenance program is a different skillset entirely. While there is no one way to guarantee success, we believe these ten components should be top-of-mind in how to set up a fleet maintenance program. Create A Culture […]

Preparing Your Fleet for the Winter Months

technician working with tires and chains to prepare your fleet for winter months

Preparing your fleet for winter months takes resources, time, and money. But it’s the best way to prevent downtime due to dropping temperatures. Resources: Focus on Preventative Maintenance Although preparing your fleet for the winter months often requires additional resources, sitting on the side of the road with a downed vehicle in sub-zero temperatures can […]